south florida Quilt Expo Board
The South Florida Quilt Expo board is made up of volunteers from the nine host quilt guilds.
To contact a board member via email, click the link. If no link is available, please visit our Contact page.
2023 Executive Board
Chairperson: Denise Glaser (QUIP, WBQG)
Co-Chairperson: AJ Grossman (SFMQG)
Co-Chairperson: Barbara Tate (QUIP, WBQG)
Secretary/Treasurer: open position
Guild Representative: Denise Glaser (QUIP)
Guild Representative: Robinn Eck (SSQG)
Guild Representative: Nina Anderson & Tonya Shaw (WBQG)
Guild Representative: Linda Esposito & Carol Rogers (CSQG)
Guild Representatives: Liana Miler (OWQG)
Guild Representative: Marilyn Hoffman (SFMQG)
Guild Representative: Mary Lou Wilkinson (FKQ)
Guild Representative: Lorie Stinson: (PBCQ)
Guild Representative Susan Skatoff (PBMQG)